Explore Telemark



Autumn activities

  Autumn activities in Telemark

  1. Hiking in Telemark
    Walk Telemark: Astonishing - safe - accessible! We present to you both short and easy walks and strenuous daytrips, from lowlands to highlands - from a local town centre to the largest mountain plateau in Northern Europe - in one short trip. By travelling through the valleys, on the lakes and in the mountains you get to experience the unique and varied nature and culture of Telemark.
  2. MS Henrik Ibsen on the Telemark Canal
    The Telemark Canal that extends over 105 km from Skien to Dalen offers a rich cultural history, a picturesque landscape and locks that are over a hundred years old.
  3. 2 ladies cycling on Gautefallheia
    Explore hundreds of kilometers bike trails in Norway’s largest bike region – Telemark. Our huge variety of cycle paths cover everything from national routes along Telemark coastline and Telemark Canal to forest rides, mountain bike, downhill and off-road cycling.
  4. Museums that are open in autumn
    Mange museer stenger etter sommeren, men det finnes noen museer som holder åpen året rundt.
  5. apples on a tree with sunlight
    The Fruitvillage at Gvarv is Norways´s capital of appleproduction. Experience the aroma of fruit and brewery products. Bakery, farmshops and accomodation.
  6. UNESCO World Heritage
    Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. In Telemark both Rjukan and Notodden are on the UNESCO list.
  7. Where can I go fishing?
    From the coast areas in the south of Telemark to water, tarns and lakes in the inner Telemark, the county tempts with stunning nature and large numbers of places to fish. Anglers’ and landowners’ associations in the various municipalities sell fishing permits for all the areas of water.
  8. 2 white Alpacas
    Svenseid Alpaca is a small farm between Lunde and Bø where you can spend time with the wonderful alpacas who lives here.