Explore Telemark



evening atmosphere in Porsgrunn city

Visitor Information

  1. Tourist Information
    Ask our friendly staff at one of our Tourist Information about guidance along your way in Telemark. Some of the Information Centers are open every day, some are open during the high season.
  2. Weather and climate
    Telemark is a complex county, with large temperature variations between seasons - and geography. Below is a table of average temperatures selected places in Telemark. Visit yr.no/telemark for weather forecast.
  3. Transport to and around Telemark
    Telemark is easily accessible by car, train, bus, plane, or ferry.

Tourist information offices in Telemark

Vrådal Tourist information

Vrådal Tourist information

Tourist information for Vrådal and West-Telemark!

Kviteseid Tourist Info

Kviteseid Brygge/Tourist Information Office

  Kviteseid Brygge/ Tourist Information Office. Open during summer season.

Tourist Information for Grenland

Tourist Information for Grenland

Do you need information about the Grenland area or Telemark, contact us and we will help you.