Explore Telemark



Spring in Telemark

Top 10 spring activities in Telemark

  1. Blooming of the anemones are mostly everywhere in Southern Norway at spring time. But on the island Jomfruland outside Kragerø, people go solely to contemplate the long white carpet that covers the 9 km long island in May.
  2. Cycle  route from Langesund to Kragerø
    Skjærgårds cycle route is a medium light and nice trail that suits most people, with beautiful scenery - a great experience out in the open.
  3. MS Henrik Ibsen on the Telemark Canal
    The Telemark Canal with its beautiful locks starts in Skien and ends in Dalen. Join various day trips or boat trips with accommodation.
  4. This part of the trail is generally easy and straightforward to go, but can be hilly some places. Langesund is well worth a visit  before continuing the trail.
  5. Mount Gaustatoppen in winter
    Discover Gaustatoppen: Spectacular views, unique skiing for all levels, the historic Gaustabanen, and convenient transport options – a must in Norway!
  6. Brekkeparken in Skien is a lovely park with beautiful flower beds, and with lots of history in the main building and the old houses from Telemark.
    1. 1 Feb 202530 Apr 2025
    2. 1 Feb 202530 Apr 2025
  7. family at Henrik Ibsen Museum Venstøp
    Visit the Henrik Ibsen museum in Skien and experience the playwright's childhood home as it was when Henrik lived here. Try skittles, puppetry or dress up.
  8. Explore Telemarks waterways by kayak or canoe
    Telemark with its long coastline and deep fjords as well as a number of rivers and lakes is an eldorado for paddling. There are plenty of opportunities for kayaking and canoeing.
  9. Where can I go fishing?
    From the coast areas in the south of Telemark to water, tarns and lakes in the inner Telemark, the county tempts with stunning nature and large numbers of places to fish. Anglers’ and landowners’ associations in the various municipalities sell fishing permits for all the areas of water.
  10. Soria Moria sauna at Dalen with snow
    Soria Moria Sauna in Dalen, Telemark