Stockmannsgården was a beautiful building with 10 rooms. Knud Ibsen, Henrik Ibsen's father, ran an assorted retail store on the ground floor in the main house, and in a short time he became one of the largest taxpayers in the city.
He imported both red, white and grape wine from France. From England he took home yarn, wool and cotton goods, and from Altona (now part of Hamburg) canvas and woolen goods. The product selection could also include luxury goods such as silk products, lace and ivory chambers, mirrors and other glassware and brass articles, optical articles and even marshmallows.
Painting of a family sitting on the pier, based on an original photo from the Fishing…
Victor Ash is a highly acclaimed French street artist, originally from Portugal, who…
The first owner of Altenburggården was probably Johan Altenburg, Henrik Ibsen's…
The artist behind the wall art on the mall “Arkaden” is Spaik - Romero Guerra from Mexico…
The painting shows Skien around the 17th century, where Skien was one of the largest…
Street art in homage to Åge Samuelsen (1915-1987) and Paal Flaata (1968-...), as well as…
Ibsenhuset is Skien's cultural center and offers a wide selection of concerts and shows…
The Ibsen Staircase is a concrete and granite structure with a bust of Henrik Ibsen. It…
Their gallery is in the Cultural Centre called Ibsenhuset, which opened in 1973.
Snipetorp, Skien's oldest residential quarter and residence of Henrik Ibsen's parents,…
Snipetorp is the only authentic urban environment that survives from Henrik Ibsen’s time…
Spaik - Romero Guerra, Mexico. Spaik is an urban artist, with colorful works inspired by…
The city garage wanted a picture that depicted cars and chose the motif of the flying car…