Explore Telemark



Explore Folkestadbyen

Shops and Galleries

  1. different cutlery
    Visit Fyresdal Manufaktur & Leiker in Folkestadbyen, Fyresdal, a charming shop with a diverse selection of clothes, toys, bedding and hobby items.
  2. Oljer og krydder som kan kjøpes på Heimleg Blomster og interiør
    Explore Heimleg, a flower and interior design shop in the center with well-known brands, fresh flowers, and ice cream from Diplom Is in the summer. Visit the online store for ordering
  3. Sports shop in Folkestadbyen, centre of Fyresdal.
    1. 1 Jan 202531 Dec 2025
  4. various pictures at gallery Merleyn in Fyresdal
    Experience the magic of art in the heart of Fyresdal! Visit Merleyn, a charming gift shop and gallery where artist Judith van Driel creates soulful works.
  5. the gift shop "Oleas Hus" in Fyresdal
    Oleas Hus is an exciting niche store in Fyresdal with a good selection of goods you can't find everywhere.

Attractions nearby

viewing circle to the tree top walk at the top of Hamaren


Hamaren is a walking trail by Lake Fyresvatn that is universally designed and suitable for pedestrians, cyclists, prams and…

2 girls cycling along a street in Fyresdal

Moland Cultural Heritage Trail

The whole trip takes just under one hour at a leisurely pace. The tour is suitable for both families with children and elderly people.…

Fyresdal Local History Museum - Vest-Telemark Museum.

Fyresdal Local History Museum

Fyresdal Open Air Museum is situated in Oyskogen (The Island Forest), which is an attractive park area in the centre of Fyresdal.