Explore Telemark



man standing by a lake in Fyresdal

Active in nature

  1. group goes up the Via Ferrata in Fyresdal
    Via Ferrata Telemark "the iron strais" goes up the Skrede mountain and is suitable for families and active children down to the age of approx. 6 years.
    1. people at the top of Roan
      Take a peak trip to Fyresdal's 2. highest mountain, Roan. At the top you will be rewarded with a magnificent panoramic view over the mountains in Telemark.
    2. The fish are jumping! Fyresdal has a lot of water. Fyresdal boasts 392 bodies of water over a surface area of 10 decares representing around 12% of Fyresdal's total surface area. This means fishing enthusiasts have almost limitless possibilities to catch the "big one". Fishing permit: Fishing permits may be purchased in stores, at petrol stations and camping sites - at around 20 locations both inside and outside of Fyresdal.
    3. Våmur seen from Valebjørg
      Våmur Viewpoint in Telemark, where steep mountain sides meet majestic Fyresvatn. Enjoy the panoramic view and let the beauty of nature take your breath away.
    4. Cycling route S1. Fossum –Folkestadbyen The tour starts that the Fossum Kurs- and Feriesenter in Hauggrend. Bike along main road 355 for about 2 km until you reach the old stone bridge of Leirfall and then take the first path to the left.
    5. View of Fyresvatn
      Experience breathtaking views over Fyresdal from Igletjønnuten, with historic traces from the Middle Ages, including deserted farms and medieval ruins.
    6. 2 girls cycling along a street in Fyresdal
      The whole trip takes just under one hour at a leisurely pace. The tour is suitable for both families with children and elderly people. Most of the trail is suitable for wheelchair users.
    7. Horseback riding, horse and carriage driving, hunting and fishing, orienteering, canoeing, mountain tours, snowmobile courses - and accommodation!
    8. The Russvass dam, which has been a central element in timber floating in Fardøl since 1860, is an impressive structure with a needle dam dating back to 1893