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Tinfos culture area

Type:Building/cultural environment

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The Tinfos Cultural Area and the Holta Canal
  • The Tinfos Cultural Area and the Holta Canal
  • Product Image
  • The Tinfos Cultural Environment in a Winter Setting
  • Tinfos in Autumn
  • Tinnfoss Waterfall
  • The Tinfos Cultural Area in Summer

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Tinfos culture area is an essential part of the Rjukan-Notodden world Heritage and a treat for those of you interested in history, here you will get 200 years worth all within walking distance. Strolling around Tinfos you will see the development from the pre-industrial era through the first and second industrial revolution, including a paper mill and three hydroelectric power stations. The amazing architecture is mostly from the 19th and early 20th century, we recommend a lakeside view of the Tinfos II hydroelectric power station at night. Tinfos II, or “The castle” as it is referred to by Notoddens inhabitants, is more than a hundred years old and still working with its original equipment! If you visit in the spring or during the fall you might get lucky and see the waterfall, Tinnefossen in all its glory and hear the waterfall roar. The old timber slide starts 4 km upriver at lake Cloumannsjøen and ends here at Tinfos; it is a monumental construction and a remnant of a commerce that spans millennia in Notodden and Telemark. The timber slide shows how old and new business coexisted, as it was a premise for Norsk Hydros colossal hydroelectric construction in the Svælgfossjuvet canyon. At Tinfos you will find Telemarksgalleriet art-gallery and Lysbuen industrial museum. After your visit at Tinfos and the museum, we suggest a walk alongside the Holtacanal towards Hyttebyen.


Museums, Galleries and crafts

  • cultural history
  • museum
  • work culture

Nature and terrain

  • river
  • waterfall


  • History and culture


Map & Directions


Tel: 35015600


  • Klassifisering Unesco
  • Klassifisering Walking
  • Klassifisering World Heritage

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