Paddling is a great way to relax from a hectic workaday life. You get close to nature where you can enjoy peace and tranquility, while getting some exercise too. Kragerø is a paradise for paddling enthusiasts and offers a varied terrain. In the forests around Kragerø city are pleasant and quiet freshwater lakes which are suitable for paddling f.eks. Hullvann/Gofjell at Helle, Tokevann right next to the Micro Cabins or Kjølebrønn.
In Kjølebrønn you will find the beautiful outdoor area Ramsdalen, with roads all the way up to the parking lots. There are also excellent places to go on canoe/kayaking trips here. The rivers and lakes are well adapted for everything from short daytrips to longer over night trips, as you can find the tent site along the waterfront....Read More
Paddling is a great way to relax from a hectic workaday life. You get close to nature where you can enjoy peace and tranquility, while getting some exercise too. Kragerø is a paradise for paddling enthusiasts and offers a varied terrain. In the forests around Kragerø city are pleasant and quiet freshwater lakes which are suitable for paddling f.eks. Hullvann/Gofjell at Helle, Tokevann right next to the Micro Cabins or Kjølebrønn.
In Kjølebrønn you will find the beautiful outdoor area Ramsdalen, with roads all the way up to the parking lots. There are also excellent places to go on canoe/kayaking trips here. The rivers and lakes are well adapted for everything from short daytrips to longer over night trips, as you can find the tent site along the waterfront. One can also go paddling through the idyllic Eidsvann, Leivann and Lonene, this is a trip that everyone can go on. You can also extend the paddling trip if seeing more of Kjølebrønnsvassdraget with Eidsvann - Leivann - Skarvann - Hansjø and Mørlandstjenna is of interest. However, this particular route requires some carrying and organizing transport. A map of this area you´ll find here!
Then you have the big archipelago with its total of 495 islands and islets! In narrow straits, it is relatively quiet paddling, while outside the island Jomfruland the seas offers bigger challenges! A paddling trip on Portør starting at Portør Harbor is absolut to recommend. See pictures above!
You can join the group "Kragerø padlegruppe" on Facebook. This group is for those who would like to meet regularly for paddling and want to be social and share this adventure with others. The members of this group are also able to give you some more information and of course can recommend you nice paddle areas in Kragerø. Welcome!
Kayak/Canoe rentals
- Kragerø Sportell
- Kragerø Resort
- Kajakkrolf
- Canoe rental at Tokevann
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