Once upon a time...
...a long time ago, when the road to Telemark didn't exist. No one had been there and no one wanted to go there.
It was told that wild Tele-farmers lived there. They killed vogt and priest who came to collect the Kings taxes or win over new disciples for White Christ.
A white spot on the map
Telemark was nothing but a white spot on the map of Norway. Unexplored by scholars and the socialized.
And the Tele-farmer himself? He lived life the way he wanted, deep within pine forests and on top of mountains. Here no witches were burned, age-old knowledge were passed on from mother to daughter, from father to son.
From fjord to mountains
Today you can travel along higway 41 to Telemark. Starting fresh from Kristiansands beautiful archipelago with salty sea breeze flowing through your hair and inwards to Agders idyllic inland villages. We follow Tovdal River upwards to the state border and tread carefully into the Tele-farmers kingdom.
Welcome to a road full of adventures and stories.