Cycle photographer and guide Thomas B. Svendsen found two pearls in the archipelago outside of Kragerø. One early morning he and his friend Morgan Bakken took the ferry to Tåtøy and after a lunch in Kragerø they traveled to Skåtøy.
"To us, this was just an spontanious trip. Morgan told me about his idea, and I got exited to try. I never tought there was that many trials and paths on theese relatively small islands. And from the top of Skåtøy you get a fantastic view over the Skjærgård outside Kragerø", says Thomas B. Svendsen, who among other things works as a bikeguide at Canvas.
The pictures and the story has been shared on the skiwebsite, where the biking enthusiastic readers has responded well to the island hopping in Telemark. Trialbikers love to go trough beautiful nature and narrow paths. In total the boys cycled 27 kilometers troughout the day.

Bring a warm jacket for the ferry. It is an open boat ferry, so it can be a little windy and wet if the weather is windy og rainy. Make sure you have enough food, beverage and the equipment needed. Tåtøy does not have any store or servings. At Skåtøy there are a coffeshop/diner, but no store.