Supplier: Kragerø Taxibåt
Season: Spring, summer and autumn

Bird safari to Jomfruland island:
At Jomfruland Bird Station spring starts early, when all the migratory birds returns to Norway after staying in warmer areas over the winter period. Jomfruland Bird Station is one of two Bird Stations in Norway that registers hundreds or thousands of migrating birds every day. Join the ornithologist as he catches birds from the bird nets and ringmarks them to collect data and learn more about their travels etc. You will also get to visit the bird tower with spectacular views at the top. On this amazing trip, you will have the opportunity to get nice close-up shots of the birds.
Kragerø Taxiboat will take you from the taxiboat doc in Kragerø town centre, to Øitangen at Jomfruland, a short walk from the Bird Station. Bring your own lunch, and enjoy the rest of Jomfruland National Park before we pick you up at Tårnbrygga approximately 2,5 kilometres away (nice walk from the Bird Station and Tårnbrygga is easy to find - walk on the small road or along the shoreline.) If you don't wish to walk to Tårnbrygga you can also be picked up at Øitangen where you were dropped off, just let the taxiboat driver know beforehand. In case of extreme weather conditions (very windy or heavy rain) we may need to cancel.
Price starting at:
- NOK 400,- per person (incl. guide at the Bird Station)
Booking by email to or call +47/ 908 04 444.